All You Want Is For An Expert To Look At Your Website And Psychology Today Profile And Tell You Exactly What To Do.

To bring in 5x more clients and cash. Effortlessly.

Review my website and tell me how to get x3 the clients!

Delee D'Arcy


"I appreciated the feedback on my current website and the specific path to follow to enhance it.... ideas to make it more personal while keeping the eye on the client as the customer! Having Amy offer a perspective and insight sheds light on what's working and what can use a revamp!"

Becky Nagel


I have not given very much thought to my website, and Amy was great at giving me a perspective, and helping me put more of my personality into my web site. If your looking to really fine tune your brand, this is great!



Courtney K.H.


"Before The Lazy Revamp, my website was plain Jane and blended in with everyone else's. ...Amy's strategy has helped me sign more clients not just for my practice but for my online courses as well! I wouldn't be where I am in my practice without her help and the Lazy Revamp!"

Whether you've...


Have been in private practice for any amount of time...


Are thinking about owning a private practice in the future...


Working for someone else and really thinking about starting your own private practice...


Just started your private practice...

Just imagine...


10x the client magnetism, clients who want to sign up with YOU even BEFORE a consultation! 

More ideal clients popping up in your inbox weekly! 

A high-touch review on YOUR website and profile, so you know exactly how to revamp your client and cash making powers

Your cash pay client load will BOOM

See more cash flowing into your bank account. 

Work more with your niche clients...a.k.a less burnout. 

Stand out from the rest and have your powerhouse marketing in place.

You had me cash flowing into my bank account.

But instead...


You're not getting your niche clients, you're not getting enough clients, and your website or Psychology Today profile are full of spider webs and sound generic. AND you don't even know where to start.

Feeling lost, don't have the time, don't want to pay thousands of dollars, and feel like you're doomed to mediocre marketing.

oh, and you want more cash pay clients right? but have no clue how to attract them or how to sell yourself on your website and profiles.

The Lazy Revamp


So let's just jump right in without making this another super long sales page when you have other sh*t to do in life...

What's in The Lazy Revamp?


A thorough, high-touch screen recording going through your Psychology Today profile and entire website. Every. Page.

You will get compact, oozing with copywriting tips and tricks to amplify your client magnetism and so client's want to work with YOU before they even sign up for a consult or look at your session fees.

The recording is sent within two to three weeks from the date I receive your form. And it will come in hot, right to your inbox. So you don’t have to schedule another call into your busy schedule.

You will get feedback on your strengths and what is kicking ass already in your website or profile AND feedback of what to change! (Don't worry, my website was a cookie cutter generic website with no spark or character at all so I have 10x compassion for anything you've got).

What this is not? A spellcheck or grammar edit on your website or profile. This is about how you are writing, what you are writing, the energy coming through your words and your overall magnetism!


Take me to my Revamp!

"...The way Amy teaches you how to properly copywrite each of your pages to put the focus back on the client and instantly hook them, has created the freedom to have my website do the work for me..."

oh, and just a shiny tidbit for you to know...

SEO Certification


I can point out certain key words and phrases to include in your website so your website is getting found easier by clients when they are searching on the web. Yessss!

The Lazy Revamp


High -touch, personalized, screen recording.

  • High-touch screen recording, thoroughly reviewing your websiteĀ (Value $497)

  • Screen recording, reviewing your Psychology Today ProfileĀ (Value $197)Ā 

Total Value = ($694)

Discounted Price= $297


Don't have your sh*t together?


You can still use this sidekick of an offer even if you don't have a website or a Psychology Today profile yet. You can still use this even if you feel like you have so much to change or edit on your site and profile before sending it my way to review.

No live webinars.

No zoom calls to fit into your schedule.

No deadlines, due dates, or time frames.

Just a personalized, high-touch screen recording, beaming into your inbox whenever works for you!

The Lazy Revamp


High-touch, personalized, screen recording.

  • High-touch screen recording, thoroughly reviewing your websiteĀ (Value $497)

  • Screen recording, reviewing your Psychology Today ProfileĀ (Value $197)Ā 

Total Value = ($694)

Discounted Price= $297


some FAQ's coming in hot

Are you ready for x5 the clients coming in on your website and profile with one big Revamp?


...Yes. I thought this was obvious.