Have your therapy profiles bring in 3x the clients.

Yes, make my Psychology Today profile for me!

"Working with The Lazy Therapist has been wonderful. I needed help with my PsychToday profile and she delivered! I really appreciated the quick turnaround time and loved having 3 different write-ups to choose from. All 3 write-ups were high quality and sounded like me. The questionnaire she sends out before hand really helps capture your tone of voice. If youโ€™re thinking about getting support from The Lazy Therapist, DO IT!!!!"

- Ashley M.

"Launching my private practice has been an overwhelming experience but purchasing my lazy therapist profiles was the easiest part! The whole process was seamless and saved me so much time!"

- Stephanie S.

You feel like your profile (or lack there of)...


...is weighing you down. Client's are seeing it and maybe passing over it, because they saw 20 others already that looked just like it. 

Your profile gets a few clicks here and there but actual clients reaching out, calling, emailing, and asking you how they can get on your schedule...just isn't happening

And it makes you slow-cry as you take a bite of your bagel and you debate cancelling your subscription...and if it's a really dark day with no client's clicking...

...it makes you debate your everything: your career, your healing powers, trying that new shampoo, that purple sweater your wearing, the brand of dog food you buy...everything. 

So you know you need your profiles revamped, and you just need more clients.

Like ASAP. Yes, you want to help more clients and make sure you're doing all that good healing sh*t...AND it would be nice to see your schedule get a little more plump. 

After all, some of those profiles cost a monthly fee...and you want to make sure it's worth it and that you're staying in business right? 

Or else we can't do all that good healing sh*t

And having a magnetic, speak to the client's heart, make-them-want to-lock-in-on-your-schedule kind of profile...

...is HUGE


But you know that having a magnetic profile can make a difference. 


A big difference. A lot of profiles, like Psychology Today, also direct client's towards your website if they feel hooked enough too. And we all need client's checking out our client-magnet of a website.  

Having a profile that smells like stale, 17 year old oatmeal, and is over the top professional as you list out all your specialties and how you provide a safe, "non judgmental space" for client's to be heard...

...honestly, just doesn't do much.

Because 90% of therapists are saying the same things


Imagine your profiles... 


bringing in phone calls and emails regularly.

seeing 3+ clients getting scheduled a month.

getting comments from clients that they "loved your bio!" and "had to see if you had openings."

feeling like you actually stand out in the sea of other awesome lil' therapists.

have 5x more clients checking out your website, through your profiles.

Yes! I'm ready for my new profiles!

And all you have to do so you can have that? 

I'll do it all for you. 

The Lazy Profiles


I create 3 profiles for you, while you catch some snooze, catch up on shows, or finally feed that withering goldfish of yours.

What's in The Lazy Profiles?


A thorough form is sent to your email upon purchase. This isn't just any form though. This form is going to ask you more specifics about your personality and your vibe. So I can bring YOU into your profiles.

Why is this? Because client's want to connect with YOU. Not your degrees, certifications, or schooling. Yes they want to know your legit AND clients mostly want to know that you are human and feel some sort of vibe with you. 

After you fill out the form, I will write out 3 profiles for you based off of your niches, areas of specialty, and your vibe as a therapist. These profiles are going to sparkle, shine, and make you feel like a unicorn.


And why three profiles? So you can rotate them, see which ones speak more to clients, and so your Psychology Today is staying fresh.

 These profiles will be sent to your inbox, within 2 to 3 weeks upon receiving your form, in a word doc so you can easily make tweaks and edit them. As well as copy paste them right into any of the profiles you use. 

I will also do one basic round of simple and quick edits after you review them! 

And that's it!

Then you just get to wait and watch over the next weeks and months as you see your clicks, calls, and emails go up. A.k.a....no more slow-crying into your bagel.

I want my profiles!

"Amy took a look at my Psychology Today profile and offered insight there as well. I LOVE the idea of having 3 profile write-ups and switching them out periodically! Genius!"


- Delee D'Arcy

oh, and just a shiny tid bit for you to know...

SEO Certification


I can put certain key words and phrases into your profiles so you get found way easier by clients when they're searching on the web. Yessss!

The Lazy Profiles


(3) expertly written therapy profiles, done-for-you.


  • Thorough form review (Value $97)

  • (3) counseling profiles sent in 2 to 3 weeks  (Value $597)
  • (1) round of brief edits, via email (Value $147)


Total Value = ($841)

Discounted Price= $387


Don't have your sh*t together?


You can use this offer whenever you are ready. No deadlines. And I can create the profiles whether you have profiles or not

No live webinars.

No zoom calls to fit into your schedule.

No deadlines, due dates, or time frames.

No more hours of writing and pulling your eyebrows out, trying to write it yourself.

Just super charged, client-magnet, profiles dancing into your inbox whenever works for you!

The Lazy Profiles


(3) expertly written therapy profiles, done-for-you.


  • Thorough form review (Value $97)

  • (3) counseling profiles sent in 2 to 3 weeks  (Value $597)
  • (1) round of brief edits, via email (Value $147)


Total Value = ($841)

Discounted Price= $387


some FAQ's so you know the deets

Are you ready for 3x the clients coming in on your profiles?

...Yes. I thought this was obvious.